Restructuring and Advisory

Restructuring and Advisory Services Designed to Work for You

A small change is sometimes all it takes to avoid problems. When you cannot see the wood for the trees, let us show you the way through.

The following are the main options available that may be able to help:


Sell non-essential assets or alter company structure to return to profitability. Close divisions, make redundant, manage cashflow or sell part/all of business . Sale of business.

  • Maintain existing trading activities
  • Preserve relationships with employees, suppliers and other interested parties
  • Retain control of company
  • Must be foreseeable future for company
  • Difficult to do correctly

Informal arrangement

Negotiate with creditors individually to achieve a settlement of the entire debt, reduce interest payments or extend terms of agreement

  • Cheap to achieve
  • Can reduce pressure if agreement reached
  • Not legally binding
  • Not all creditors may agree
  • May impact ability to trade with essential suppliers


Either borrow money from lenders or invest personal capital. Consider impact to personal liability is business were not to continue

  • Can prevent personal liability from personal guarantees
  • Maintain existing relationships and avoid back credit
  • Can overcome short term cashflow issues
  • Must be affordable and sustainable
  • Can give rise to additional personal security being needed
  • Difficult to get if company already in trouble

Restructuring / Exit

Can exit business or remove unnecessary subsidiaries through solvent liquidation process

  • Capitalise on cash held now before problems arise
  • Tax efficient way of extracting money
  • Reduce costs of ongoing operations 
  • Can be difficult to unwind business
  • Impact to staff and other stakeholders
  • Can be complicated depending on size and structure of operations